dailystrips Installation Instructions:
If you downloaded the RPM, simply run the following as root:
rpm -Uvh dailystrips-VERSION.noarch.rpm
If you downloaded anything else (.tar.bz/.tar.gz2/.zip), run the following as
perl install.pl
This will install the definitions file to /usr/share/dailystrips/, the
documentation to /usr/share/doc/dailystrips-VERSION, and the scripts to /usr/bin/.
Use "perl install.pl --help" for more info.
Once dailystrips is installed, you may run the program by typing:
For personal installations (no root access), copy dailystrips, dailystrips-clean,
and strips.def to the directory of your choice. Since dailystrips uses
/usr/share/dailystrips/strips.def by default, you will need to specify the
definition file with the "--defs FILE" option.
Copy the scripts and strips.def to the directory of your choice. When run, the
script will check the current directory for strips.def, so always 'cd' the
appropriate location or use the --defs option.
If you have any questions, please contact me.