
Supported Strips


Many thanks to all of the following, whose contributions truly help make dailystrips what it is.

Joaquín Perez:
Finished implementing every strip at &

Marc Doumayrou:
Implemented --dailydir option and link to previous day's strip

Scott Carlson:
Implemented detection and symlinking for duplicate strip files

Dave Tweed:
Added sfgate strips & others

Itai Zukerman:
Added Avalon High

Russell Keppner:
Added Sluggy Freelance

Added strips: exploitnow coolcat classm bruno thinhline nukees joeaverage hotzp flem gpf in2it crfh striptease

Robert Jagger:
Added strip: angst, bobbins

Robert Sandilands:
Added strips: zapiro madameve

Roy Moore:
Added strips: goats plif

Michael Lewis:
--nospaces option, zippythecolorpinhead

Mark Wallace:
Added strip: clanofthecats

Daniel Skarda:
Added --stripdir and --date options

Mark Larimer:
Added Dork Tower definition

Francesco Chemolli:
Patch to automatically use the definition file located in the same directory as the script instead of the current directory

Rene Weber:
--useragent option, Debian packaging, system-wide definitions, numerous fixes

Peter De Wachter:
Addeed Kevin and Kell, Freefall Fixed --date option

Tom Klinger:
Win32 porting
Fixes to strips.def

Chip Marshall:
Added Astronomy Picture of the Day

Pat Lashley:
Fixed group support

Martin Feeney:
Added numerous strips, strip fixes

JR Boyens:
Added Spaz Labs

Chris Hoover:
Added frazz, janesworld, bfriends; revised spooner, pcnpixel, thenorm
Fixed "Spooner"

Jeff Brown:
Added spiderman, tuma, nowak, asay, lang, shelton Fixed PC and Pixel, Liberty Meadows , Diesel Sweeties

Jarrod Benjami Johnson:
Added elflife, elflifeadult, funnyfarm, ozyandmillie, suburbanjungle, acidreflux, whenigrowup

Joseph Blough:
Added links for navigating between strips

Douglas Riga:
Added --nosymlinks and --notitles options
Added sevtrek, fotr, sevgate, bluffy, sevfiles, sevwars, sevylon5, sevscifi

Tucker McLean:
Added strip 'Mr. Potato Head'

Ted Berg:
Added strips 'Walky', 'Jackie's Fridge', 'Schlock Mercenary', and 'Unicorn Jelly'

Rich Lafferty:
Added strips greytown, slowwave, sexylosers, youdamnkid, houndshome, cutewendy, lifesorad, bigones

Elf M. Sternberg
Added strips "As If", "Nip 'N Tuck", "Under the Lemon Tree", and "Winter"

Daniel M. Drucker
Fixed "Penny Arcade"

Robert Fleming
Added "Brainbuzz", "The Duplex"

Matt Hucke
Fixed "Sexy Losers"

David Findlay
Added "Swamp"

Ryan T. Dean
Fixed "The Norm"
Added "Melonpool"

David S. Geirsson
Added "Flem"

Mike Schwartz
Added "Real Life", "Sheldon", "Weak-end Warriors"

Aaron D. Marasco
Fixed strips

Pat Lashley
Fixed a file-extension detection bug

Marcie Alana Lovell
Added strips "Alice!", "The Shadows", "Lowest Common Denominator", "The Devil's Panties", "Fat Jesus", "Funny Farm", "Sex and Violence", "Fans!"

Josh Brand
Added "Underpower" and "Nekobox"

Soeren Gerlach
Added "Perscheids Abgruende", "Harm Bengen's Alltagsskizzen", "Weyershausen", "Touche"

Ted Richards
Added "Drawing a Crowd", "I Need Help", "On the Fast Track", "Pibgorn", "Safe Havens", and "Working Daze"

Kenneth Ballard
Added "Marvin"
Moved "Andy Capp", "BC", "Wizard of ID" to Washington Post

CJ Kucera
Added "Death to the Extremist"

Anders Bruun Olsen
Added "Jack"

Kim Scarborough
Added 180(!) new strips: aislin alcarez alimov ammer andersonk andersonn anjornooz ares ariail asay auth babin bado bateman beattie behrendt bertrams bish bizwit bok boligan boyle breen britt brookins brown cagle cajas cardow carlson carlucho cartoonfix casciari catalino catrow chappatte cherepanov christo clement coco cole corax corrigan cranandlerma crowe cummings curiousmoments curry day deadder deangelis deering deore dolighan doloricon donato drybones duffy emmerson englehart erniepook erniepookbig esquivel evans gable gado garrincha gomaa gorrell graff graston greenberg grondahl hachfeld hajjaj hansson harville heller heng hervi huffaker incontempt jacobson jonesc kallaugher kazanevsky keefe keshav kim koterba kowsar lane langer leahy linttrap macgregor mackay mackinnon markstein matson mccloskey mckee medi menees miel mitropoulos moir molina morin moudakis nicholson noexit obi ofarrell ohman oliphant olle palomo pancho paresh parker peel persitoons peterson pismestrovic plante plantu powell priggee raeside rall ramirez ramsey randompropaganda reddick ricardo ritter rodewalt ronnen rowe sakurai sargent scarygoround schopf schot serguei sherffius siers slane slowpoke snibbe spencer stantis stavro streeter summers swill tayo thompson toles tom toomuchcoffeeman topsyturvey touka trever trinidad troubletown turner varvel wallace walters wilkinson wolvertoon wonsoo wrightl zapiro zeev zetterling zudin

Kevin Fenzi
Added "Fleem", "Queen of Wands", "WIGU"

Daniel Chudnov
Added "Overdue"

J. Traub
Added "Ben Sargent", "Pat Oliphant"
Added pt3g, barneygoogle, betterhalf, buckles, dinetteset, grinandbearit, hiandlois, judgeparker, lockhorns, marktrail, maryworth, pardonmyplanet, redeye, rexmorgan, steveroper, theylldoiteverytime, tiger, tinasgroove, tumbleweeds, edgecity

Christian Rubbert
Fixed "Bruno the Bandit", added "Nicht Lustig"

Jesper Lindh
Added "Hackles" and "Aford Turtle"


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Copyright ©2001-2003 Andrew Medico <amedico @ amedico . dhs . org>